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.ÄÅÒÈ domain celebrates its sixth anniversary


The positive web space for children and their parents celebrates its birthday.

On February 26, the Cyrillic domain .ÄÅÒÈ (which means “children” in Russian) celebrated its sixth anniversary. The first domain names in this zone were registered in 2014, and since that time hundreds of websites have joined .ÄÅÒÈ, which are mostly aimed at children and teenagers, as well as their parents and teachers.

The mission of the .ÄÅÒÈ domain is to establish a trusted internet environment, to boost the digital literacy of children and teenagers, and to consolidate high-quality internet content on one platform.

Another important task of .ÄÅÒÈ is to make the internet safe and friendly for children. The sites operating in this domain fight malicious programs and vulnerabilities with the help of a software system for monitoring malicious activities and unfavorable content that operates 24/7 all year round.

By registering the main or additional address for your website in the .ÄÅÒÈ domain, you can become a part of this positive environment within the Russian internet, and enter the Best Websites in .ÄÅÒÈ Catalogue. It is very easy to do so: you just need to contact one of the domain’s accredited registrars.

The administrator of the .ÄÅÒÈ domain is the Smart Internet Foundation, which was established in 2012 by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.ÐÔ. The foundation develops the children’s internet in Russia and supports humanitarian projects on the web.