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Spring .ДЕТИ domain catalog update07.05.2020
Now some of the resources are represented by their authors and creators
Catalogue of the best websites in the domain .ДЕТИ is updated: new resources were added to the sections "Upbringing and Education", "Sport", "Charity" and "Online Shops".
Another innovation - there are links to interviews authors in the descriptions of some resources, which were prepared in conjunction with the "Smart Journal".
This is an electronic publication of the Smart Internet Foundation, which acts as an administrator of the .ДЕТИ domain.
The creators talk about the "chips" and useful functions of their projects, give advice and simply share their wise thoughts in these conversations. For example, the interview can be found in the section of the catalog "Leisure": conversations with the authors of the websites библиотека.дети, библиогид.дети, веб-ландия.дети, разумейкин.дети, узелки.дети, фантазариум.дети и эйнштейн.дети are published here.
In total, the catalog contains about 150 sites representing different regions of Russia and several neighboring countries. The catalog also contains headings "Development and Creativity", "Competitions", "Mass Media", "Safety", "Relax", "Health" and "Entertainment" besides the above mentioned categories. Official websites of kindergartens, schools, art centers and sports sections; developing Internet projects and applications for babies and students; resources for parents to give safety tips and to help in finding joint entertainment, websites of competitions and children's media are also represented there.
The .ДЕТИ domain unites websites for children and teenagers. All resources in .ДЕТИ domain participate in a two-stage monitoring system, which allows to identify and to fix quickly vulnerabilities and negative content that appears on the pages of websites in the children's domain zone.
It is easy to register a domain in .ДЕТИ: just contact an accredited registrar and fill out an online application on its website, indicating for what purposes you plan to use the domain name. You can check if the domain you need is free on the .ДЕТИ website in the WHOIS.