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The data-copy of the domain registry .ДЕТИ moved to the Russia


The largest Russian Internet traffic exchange point, an operator of platforms for scaling networks and services on the Internet MSK-IX became the service provider.

MSK-IX put into operation the Data Escrow service. The administrator of the .ДЕТИ domain Smart Internet Foundation became the first client of this service.

The mandatory data escrow requirement was formulated in 2013 as part of the New gTLD program, when new top-level domains were delegated (for example, .ДЕТИ, .TATAR, .МОСКВА, .РУС) by ICANN Corporation, which manages the allocation of Internet address space. All gTLD registry operators are required to regularly transfer backed up top-level domain (TLD) registration data to ICANN-accredited escrow service providers. The data stored this way is used to maintain the functioning of the domain in case of emergency.

ICANN Approves MSK-IX as a Temporary Escrow Service Provider for gTLD Registry Operators in 2019. At the moment MSK-IX is the only ICANN-accredited company for Data Escrow in Russia. This is the first such experience helping to switch to Russian software under the import substitution program. The service is available for all registries since October 2020.

Irina Danelia, Deputy Director of the Smart Internet Foundation: «The escrow of domain names registry data is an obligatory condition for Registries of gTLDs, to which the Cyrillic domain name .ДЕТИ refers to. The Foundation, as the .ДЕТИ domain registry, had to use the service of a foreign provider because in our country there was no organization offering such a service. Now we are finally using the services of a Russian supplier. That is extremely important for a domain designed to address web resources of children and teenagers, which should be comfortable for young Internet users and remain accessible even in the event of an emergency in the registry».

Pavel Khramtsov, MSK-IX project manager, said that the Data Escrow service is a global practice. «The Data Escrow service helps to deposit registry data according to the procedure and in formats fixed in international standards. The launch of the Data Escrow service in MSK-IX will allow Russian registries to decline the services of foreign operators ».