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Educational portal “WebLandia. The Best Websites for Children” within the framework of thematic collections continues to acquaint readers with interesting online projects that tell in an accessible and exciting way about the objects and phenomena of our daily life, the history of their occurrence, and interesting facts.

The origin of water on Earth has long been a mystery to scientists. It may have been brought to Earth by asteroids for billions of years. Or maybe, at the birth of the planets, the globe, hot for a long time, cooling down, caused the appearance of water condensate in the atmosphere, which then filled the lowlands in the form of powerful showers over the millennia - the future oceans. Water is familiar to us, we are active consumers of water treasures, otherwise called resources, and some of these resources are already on the verge of extinction. Will we, today and tomorrow, have enough of the water that the Earth has stored? Will people not have to artificially create such familiar ordinary water? WebLandia offers to visit websites dedicated to water.

Insignias have been well-known since ancient times. In primitive society, representatives of different tribes had special symbols that made it possible to distinguish members of one clan from another. Such signs were considered sacred, provided invisible support, served as a symbol of unification. Tattoos were the first insignias. Headdresses, garters, pendants, signs on clothes made of stones, bird feathers, fangs, animal skins also demonstrated the social status or occupation of a person. In ancient civilizations, people in the service of the state wore insignia on their uniforms, which much later turned into familiar epaulets, chevrons, stars and stripes. The history of insignia - awards, award badges, commemorative and souvenir tokens, cockade - is studied by a separate science of phaleristics. Today it is difficult to imagine certain types of professional and corporate clothing, official uniforms and clothing of athletes, military and other professions without certain insignia. WebLandia offers to visit sites where you can learn much more about insignias.